Monday, November 23, 2009

Reflection Paper

This project did not come together the way that I had hoped. Going into the fall I expected to have weekends and opportunities to hike and climb and be in the teton range. My hope was that this would be a natural extension of the outings that I would be taking anyway. Unfortunately I underestimated the demands that I was going to be under and only made it there a couple times. So I have tried to fit what little I did do into the mold that I set out for myself and I'm very dissappointed in the result. I don't now how to express the observations that get filed into the back of my head. That when I took Wahlert to Death Canyon last Tuesday it was a beautiful warm day, there was a bit of rock fall, and I was glad I wasn't heading up to the ice climbs there. It needs to be colder for that. Then again we took Erica's dad up Cascade a month before on a similiar sunny day and the canyon was suprisingly cold so maybe it wouldn't be so bad farther in. I wish I had been able to go find out. That is one and there are hunderds of others - antelope are still hanging around, wolf tracks went all the way down from coyote rock and just south of campus on the trail, moose started moving into the sage flats for the bitterbrush, the wasp nest at coyote rock disappeared sometime last week between Carson and Wahlert groups. The frustrating part is noticing all kinds of things and probably foolishly not including them because they don't fit whatever it is I thought I was putting together.

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